AT LAST… It has been summoned. ELDRITCH! IS REBORN.




ELDRITCH! (for those who aren’t already sick to death of hearing me bang on about it) is a bloody Lovecraftian horror/comedy comic scribbled out by me and illustrated by “Devilish” Drew Rausch. It’s filled to bursting with strange humans, stranger monsters, Darwin tattoos, meat cleavers, magic spells, twitchering black tentacles, poorly-remembered Bon Jovi songs and all the best stuff there is! Starting TODAY we’ll be selling ELDRITCH! as a series of six 24-page digital downloads every six weeks, with each one priced at an almost unfathomably low $0.99.





You have a few options to choose from, the simplest being a pdf file downloaded straight from us right HERE. The pdf will work on pretty much any device you own (try your toaster!), including iPad/Phone/Pod, Nook, Kindle, Android thingummy, and, of course, your desktop (Mac and PC). Basically, if you’re reading this… you can read ELDRITCH!

And just for today, we have a special-type offer: Buy your copy of ELDRITCH!, send a message to, and you’ll be entered to win ORIGINAL SKETCHES by both me and Drew. And for every 100 copies we sell today, we’ll pick a new winner. There is, quite simply, no better way to injure yourselves with our work.

Thank you so much for your support, guys! The indie comic scene is NOT an easy place to get a small voice heard, and I really appreciate what you’ve done to help amplify mine. It means a lot, and more and more as time goes on. The comic world is shifting beneath us, and as scary as it can sometimes be, it’s also the most exciting time of my life.

Please let me know what you think! Both content-wise and format-wise, I mean. (Did the pdf work for you? How does it look? Was the process simple enough? That Ted Newbarn, he sure is a freakish character, ain’t he?) We’re still working out the kinks here, so we’d LOVE it if you could leave a comment here, at the ELDRITCH! site, or – for those so Facebook-inclined – at the ELDRITCH! Official Fan Lair.



Here is a sketch I did of Anya as Green Lantern battling Zombie Boba Fett:


It’s called “MARKETING,” guys. I have to do this stuff!
