Please Die, Prop. 8.
The campaign to defeat Proposition 8 here in California sure could use your money.
In case you’re not up on your props, this is the one that would make it illegal for gay and lesbian couples to get married in the state of California.
Let me underline that for you: There is currently a proposition on a ballot in the United States of America that would take rights AWAY from American citizens. For no logical reason.
What few polls I’ve seen show pretty much an even split between supporters of Prop. 8 and, um… well, y’know… decent, rational human beings. An even split. Just terrifying.
Now, I’m pretty confident all you California peeps out there are going to come out and do the right thing at the voting booth Nov. 4, but here’s the thing… You don’t necessarily have to be from California to get a say in this thing. You can, indeed, vote to stop Prop. 8 with your wallet.
It’s not “too late,” either. The more money Equality California has, the more ads they can buy in these final, fleeting, horribly crucial days before the election. And when you’re talking ballot propositions, ads definitely matter. Every wee little penny counts. The other side has a huge financial advantage at the moment (massive cash infusions from the Mormon church will do that), but we can change the equation if we just keep piling up the pennies.
In about 6 days we have a chance to elect a multi-racial black man with an Arabic name President of the United States of America. We also have a chance to add the weight of explicit public approval to gay and lesbian people’s basic right to marry the ones they love.
If things go the right way, Nov. 5th, 2008 will feel (finally!) like the first day of the 21st Century.
(The flying cars and personal rocket-boots will be distributed on the 6th.)
Please help make the 21st Century happen!
And thanks so much!
Prop 8. The real life Prop 665 (in relevance to GGWB).
If only the uberconservative folks in california (by that, I mean all three of them) would relax and realize that about 50% of all marrages (straight or otherwise) generally end in divorce. So there is no reason for this Prop 8 anyway.
If they were smarter, they would have made it illegal for any couple (straight or otherwise) to divorce. Not that I would support such an issue either, but it would be a vaulable lesson as to why we don’t have things like Prop 8 on the ballot. (i.e. Banning Abortions reguarless of the cause or situation, or forcing kids to accept “creationism” and “intellegent design” in school. (If that second one happens, form a comittee to impose a “Flying Spaghetti Monster” bill.) BTW, guess who supports such crazy conservative nonsense including things like Prop 8? (Hint: She can see her house from Alasker!))
If they believe that marage is sacred, why do they cheat on their own spouses and with people of the same sex?
If they believe that life is sacred, why do they encourage people to be born so that years later they can fight in a war to kill other people?
If they believe in helping the poor and the downtrotten, why are people like Joyce Meyer, Billy Graham, and Robert Schuller living in the extravagant houses, riding in fancy cars, large political contributors (specifically to the G.O.P.) and wearing rolexes on their television shows?
Its because people are dumb enough to believe that that the money the are donating goes to help the poor Starvin’ Marvin kids in africa, gets the poor homeless guy who lost his house in the financial crisis.
But what they tell their followers is: “I am doing it all for your sins. Do as I say! Don’t do as I do! And certainly do not question God’s will. I have been condemed to paradise for your sins. And you can’t have it!” ORLY? Then allow me to be sick on sin.
Aparently, this wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t use this clever ruse to suck their donators dry under the guise that they are helping people. Last time I checked philanthropists donate to the poor and evangelists take from the poor.
Prop 8 is going to go down like Sarah Palin on her prom night. (Can’t wait for that news story.) As long as you aren’t stealing or killing other people, God really doesn’t give a damn.
rational Kentuckians didn’t stand a chance when that issue came up…
people here believe that gay people should (and will) burn in hell.
that god “Hates fags”
I know..I’ve been told it several times.
it’s so sad what humans do to each other…
By the way, there’s a Yes on 8 ad on your site here.
Yep. Google’s doing that to everyone.
“Don’t be evil,” my ass.
d’oh ><
Welcome to the new dark ages
I hope you’re living right
These are the new dark ages
And the world might end tonight
—New Dark Ages by Bad Religon
I haven’t been this ashamed to be a Catholic since our German-American Archbishop excomunicated the priests at the Polish Catholic church because the parishoners wouldn’t let him sell the church to pay off the people who were abused by priests. (Aparently, he’s never heard of these things called “Bake sales”. (The Knights of Columbus contributed to the pro-Prop 8 campain. Since when was the KofC a political organization?)) Reguardless, this is the bullshit (aside from the sudden and unexpected appearances of the Right to Life campaign (the jerks with their dead fetus pics) at church services and political gatherings) that have made me susspend going to church with the exception of funerals and weddings.
The KofC may as well rename themselves the Spanish Inquisition.
I am so ashamed. For that I appologize to the people who fought to kill Prop 8.
what happened to all the human beings?
Every state that propositioned a ban, passed it. How could it be so close? Seriously? Where are peoples minds? I feel sick. My state won’t let me adopt kids if I were to find a girl that I liked enough to live with. Why would they ruin a bunch of children’s lives to make certain people miserable? Who goes out of their way to make everyone, or a group of people suffer? Whats worse, and whats scary is these people think they did the right thing. They really do.
I married in the sun
(tell me where tell me where)
Against the stone of buildings built before
You and I were born
(start again start again)
And to my heart confusion rose against
The muscles fought so long
(fought so long)
To control against the pull of
One magnet to another magnet
To another magnet
Now we look up in
(tell me who tell me who)
Into the eyes of bullies breaking backs
They seem so very tough
(it’s a lie it’s a lie)
They seem so very scared of us
I look into the mirror
(look into)
For evil that just does not exist
I don’t see what they see
(tell them that tell them that)
Try to control the pull of one magnet
To another magnet
To another magnet
To another magnet
To another
-I Was Married Tegan and Sara