I just posted the last page of Serenity Rose.

My head is kind of swimming from what’s happened this last month, so it hasn’t quite hit me yet. I mean, I know I’ll be doing more with Serenity and Crestfallen in the future, but this is still the end of a chapter in my life. It’s big. I have a lot to be thankful for today, and I really appreciate all of you coming along with me on my rickety old stop-and-go comic cart. I hope not too many of you fell off along the way, but you’re always welcome back. We’re going FORWARD.

The big book is more or less completely done now. The only major chunk missing is the introduction, and I’m going to write that this weekend. Right now I’m in Tucson visiting Ami’s family for Thanksgiving, and man, it is super quiet. The last time I was here enjoying this quiet, I finished thumbnailing Break Your Stupid Heart. Did a little scribble of those mountains over there, right on the page next to Crawlsie smiling. This means something. What, I don’t know. But SOMETHING.

I gotta think about it.


REMINDERINGS: Two days left and a few thousand away from unlocking the FIRST Serenity Rose student film, “Serenity’s Plot.” WE CAN DO IT! Spread the word, get as many people involved as you can, and all can see this terrifying relic of a bygone age. A TEASER:


WHO THE HECK IS THAT? I dunno, but there are two versions of it, one realistic and one cartoony. If we hit $55,000, the Kickstarter backers will be the first to find out!


Might be the last time I do this, so let me push a few more talented Crestfalleners in the spotlight… starting with SLINKER. Joakim Jonsson is a longtime Serenity Rose fan (and its Swedish translator!), as well as a cool webcomic artist and animator. He’s got a fun style! Check it out:

Looking for more sweet webcomics by your fellow Crestfallen residents? Try the very funny Em²a Cartoon by Emma Lysyk and the curiously abstract world of Imago by Tyrel Pinnegar. I like these super-stylized little guys:


Thank you again, everyone! It’s been a long month, but we’re almost there…