GREAT THANK YOUS to every one of you who took the time out to vote for my new comic, ELDRITCH! on DC’s Zuda site thus far. Artist “Devilish” Drew Rausch and I* really appreciate you guys braving the Zuda sign-up gauntlet to show your support for our hard work. Because of you, we’re already up at #2 in this month’s rankings, which is sort of shocking, considering all the rough competition this time around.
But we can do better! ONE better, to be exact. We need your help, guys, and lots of it. The prize for reaching #1 by the end of the month is pretty significant (enough to finance SRV3, in fact), and the prize for staying at #2 is… nothing. Nothing at all. TERRIFYING.
If you’ve already VOTED, awesome! Thanks again. If you could help spread the word, you know, Twitter-Facebook-bloggy-whatever-style, that’d be even awesomer. If you HAVEN’T voted yet, all you need is a ZUDA ACCOUNT (it’s a free, quick, no-strings-attached sort of thing) and you’re ready to vote.
ALSO: Through a little Sam Spadian sleuthing, Drew discovered there are actually THREE things that count toward our ranking, so be sure to hit them all. They’re not immediately obvious (I sure as heck wouldn’t have noticed all of them), so here’s a little scribble:
VOTE, RATE, and FAVORITE. It turns out all three matter. Who knew? I certainly didn’t!
(And I guess comments come into play somehow, too, so please leave a little feedback if you can!)
Thanks again, everybody. You’ve all been awesome so far, and with your help, we can not only get the other 52 pages of ELDRITCH! made, but raise the funds for Serenity Rose Vol. 3 at the same time. WINS ALL AROUND.
It’s all pretty much in your hands. Go team and so on!
* “Agonizin'” Aaron A?
Oh good, I think I got all three…. I better go check & make sure though!
Done, and done. Good luck. This might come as a suprise but….but… I want you to win!
Thank you, fellows! Now, can you clone yourselves like 500 times and vote again? Pretty sure that’s not against the rules.
Yay, I already did all three as well. But I’ll go twitter it and through a link on Facebook!
Sharing right now.