Pretty, Pretty, Pretty…
A wee animated music video by Yannick Puig for a Parisian prog band called Kwoon. The prettiest thing I’ve seen this year (so far).
My favorite moments are at about 2:36 and 3:47, respectively. (Yay giant monster mouths!)
The animator has a lot of other beautiful bits and things and stuff on his site, too. Except the audio doesn’t seem to work on the Quicktime version of that Kwoon video… Still amazing to look at, though.
Something soft and ethereal. amazing.
i was deeply moved by this. it had the same effect that .hack// did on me, except it didn’t get me feel all emo. it just perfectly captures your imagination with the deepness of the music and the incredible visuals.
lol: little kkk dudes! that was very well represented.
This is a great find, I’ll be adding it to my ‘special anim stash’ 🙂
Wow. I am stunned. That was definitely one of the most lovely animated pieces I’ve ever seen. And the music was wonderful! I’ve never heard of this band before, but I’ll have to go check out their music.
that was neat…