There is a very good reason this is my favourite webcomic. Please, Mr. A., continue once “Goodbye Crestfallen” is through! Sera is too wonderful a character to abandon!
And, I’m curious, do you have the whole thing done, or are you drawing it as you go along?
Can you hear that? That, fellow followers, is the sound of something wonderful, amazing but above all, epic taking place. Mister Alexovich truely was one of the all-nighters for the “Artistic Abilites” hand out during Creation.
@GM: Oh, well yeah, I’d figured that for a given….. 😉 Much as I hate to “usurp” an Elvis Costello-bestowed title (ironic tho it may have been intended), Serenity Rose is definately “God’s Comic”.
EPIC WIN! Sera should end this by pulling her tongue out!
I love the last panel.
Fantastic action scene going on here. I especially love the way Sera seals Stiletta in ectoplasm.
Eek, only 9 more pages to go.
OMG only nine pages left I can has Tuesday?
*is super excited about Sera being kick-ass*
This truly is an outstandingly epic page. It gives me goosebumps!
My heart is racing.
I’m not sure my heart has every physically raced over a page of comic before.
I like the wide eyed expression, of stilletta and sera. Its a thrilling struggle.
Oh wow… Go Sera!!
Aaron, have you though of calling up the guys at DreamHost and asking if they could move your site to another server?
I mean, you’ve been complaining about it for years, why not do something about it.
Nevermind…I’m an idiot. I wasn’t paying attention.
There is a very good reason this is my favourite webcomic. Please, Mr. A., continue once “Goodbye Crestfallen” is through! Sera is too wonderful a character to abandon!
And, I’m curious, do you have the whole thing done, or are you drawing it as you go along?
BIFFF WHAMO POW!!!!! (witch fight)
Stiletta looks entirely too happy about this. :/
I wonder if we’re going to see some (pink-haired) “fithy Englyshe” before this is all through…
Whoah, seems to be devolving into an airborne supernatural ‘catfight’…..;)
I’m sure (even as impressed as I am) that I’d be WAY more impressed if I hadn’t just seen 9 twice yesterday…..
In the name of all that is good and decent and awesome, SEE THAT MOVIE!
ya know from the angle it’s drawn, Sera’s expression is one of cool determination, Stilleta’s the one with the wild eyed craze.
go Sera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oooh maaan, this is crazy! *bites too long, slightly grimy nails* Go-go, gadget Sera!
the clouds in the backround did you draw those or is it a piture of real clouds?
Also love love this fight seen
.. *spazzes* I can’t wait ’til Tuesday! No fair!
Can you hear that? That, fellow followers, is the sound of something wonderful, amazing but above all, epic taking place. Mister Alexovich truely was one of the all-nighters for the “Artistic Abilites” hand out during Creation.
@GM: Oh, well yeah, I’d figured that for a given….. 😉 Much as I hate to “usurp” an Elvis Costello-bestowed title (ironic tho it may have been intended), Serenity Rose is definately “God’s Comic”.
Sera .you can, crush them.!!!
super powers, come out already.!!!
Le cortaria esa viperina lengua que tiene ,orgsss.