Looking at the raw page, I wonder why you changed the panel from that page to this new one…ah well, either way, I like it. XD Sera’s blue hair is really stickin’ out here~
LD: I try to preserve as much of the paper scuzz as possible when I’m scanning. I also made a few “dirt layers” I can flop on top of everything if I want to. I like grime.
The text is a bit weird…It’s strange to see someone digress and switch between emotional states in a single balloon, I’m more used to using the balloons to help separate thoughts- I actually had to read Sera’s explanation a few times before I could parse its meaning. Of course, that may also be because the characters seem to be having an attack of chronic ellipsis.
Yes, exactly-the inclusion within the bubble may be a means of conveying that it’s an interruption of the thought, but that doesn’t come across easily. If sera’s interrupting her thought or sentence, I’d find it easier to read if there was some visual interruption in the bubble, or alternately, if dashes were used instead of ellipses: because ellipses are used so much earlier on in the panel to signify pauses or smaller interruptions, the mind’s eye skips over them and assumes the sentence just continues. The reader sees like…um…like… and is trained to think that ellipses don’t mean significant interruptions, just brief pauses, like commas. As a result, it read at first as:
It’s like, um, like, god my heart is racing it’s like my body is paralyzed etc.
…Chronic Ellipsis must be what the silent protagonist had in all those games I played as a kid…
Have you ever had night terrors? Just curious, because that’s not quite what their like – witch powers aside. I’ve had them all my life and if she is getting them, that is a rather light case. Still, always happy to see Serenity up to something new!
W – Yep, I’ve had them as long as I can remember. Over the past few years I’ve punched my hand through a window (without even cutting myself!), bashed a hole in my linen cabinet door, and destroyed a night stand in a San Diego hotel room, among other wonderful adventures.
Serenity looks a lil more like Vicious. I just finished the paperback or Working Through The Negativity. Awesome. I can’t wait for more installments of this series.
The blue shading on Sera’s hair is so pretty here… actually, all the shading/textures are very nice, but I’m really fond of that blue.
Ah, now we’re getting somewhere! 🙂
Hm…I never thought of that advantage to being a wtich – putting your broken stuff back together.
Would’ve helped when my first PS1 broke.
Also, I love the way you draw lips.
Yeah…I make weird comments on people’s art XD
I can’t help but wonder how long it took to draw the detail on the chair…
Either way, it looks awesome. Kelton’s bag looks about like mine with all the buttons, heh.
Wow, Sera knows TV repair.
I really like Kelton’s clothes, by the way.
Your artwork is very well done
Very nice page.
Those armchair squigglies must’ve taken some serious attention to detail time.
Any plans on more Humbly action?
Sera looks so badass now. Yay for Kelton! I seriously love that blue color, it’s so pretty! xD
Looking at the raw page, I wonder why you changed the panel from that page to this new one…ah well, either way, I like it. XD Sera’s blue hair is really stickin’ out here~
I can’t wait to see how “Goodbye Crestfallen” is gonna turn out.
By the way, love the art on this and the earlier issues (especially where Sera attacks those guys with ectoplasm. Sweet!)
Keep it comin’ Aaron!
I have always loved Serenity Rose, and I love the new design work on all the characters. I can’t wait for the next page.
The graininess in the margins gives this page a nice 4am feel. Did you put that there, or did the paper come like that, or what?
will this ever be published? like as a book?
LD: I try to preserve as much of the paper scuzz as possible when I’m scanning. I also made a few “dirt layers” I can flop on top of everything if I want to. I like grime.
Jon: Yep! http://slg-news.livejournal.com/250687.html
Awesome work as ever. Sera’s back and cute as ever. The blue really is nice. I can’t wait to consoom it all in book form.
Sera looks so pretty! Good job on the detail on the chair as well. *thumbs up*
The text is a bit weird…It’s strange to see someone digress and switch between emotional states in a single balloon, I’m more used to using the balloons to help separate thoughts- I actually had to read Sera’s explanation a few times before I could parse its meaning. Of course, that may also be because the characters seem to be having an attack of chronic ellipsis.
Relenz: You mean like the part where she says her heart is racing?
“Attack of the Chronic Ellipsis” would be a great title for book three…
Yes, exactly-the inclusion within the bubble may be a means of conveying that it’s an interruption of the thought, but that doesn’t come across easily. If sera’s interrupting her thought or sentence, I’d find it easier to read if there was some visual interruption in the bubble, or alternately, if dashes were used instead of ellipses: because ellipses are used so much earlier on in the panel to signify pauses or smaller interruptions, the mind’s eye skips over them and assumes the sentence just continues. The reader sees like…um…like… and is trained to think that ellipses don’t mean significant interruptions, just brief pauses, like commas. As a result, it read at first as:
It’s like, um, like, god my heart is racing it’s like my body is paralyzed etc.
…Chronic Ellipsis must be what the silent protagonist had in all those games I played as a kid…
Also, I have too many opinions. meep.
Have you ever had night terrors? Just curious, because that’s not quite what their like – witch powers aside. I’ve had them all my life and if she is getting them, that is a rather light case. Still, always happy to see Serenity up to something new!
W – Yep, I’ve had them as long as I can remember. Over the past few years I’ve punched my hand through a window (without even cutting myself!), bashed a hole in my linen cabinet door, and destroyed a night stand in a San Diego hotel room, among other wonderful adventures.
They’re not always that bad, though.
Serenity looks a lil more like Vicious. I just finished the paperback or Working Through The Negativity. Awesome. I can’t wait for more installments of this series.