Alexovich, David. See Hulk Run, ca. 1980

Aaron's See Hulk Run Book
Aaron, see Hulk run.
Papa and Aaron see Hulk run.
Mama, Papa and Aaron see Hulk run.
Run Aaron!
Run Papa!
Run Mama!
Aaron, Papa, Mama and Hulk run.
Hulk, see Aaron run.
Hulk, see Aaron and Spiderman run.
Hulk, see Mama and Papa run.
Hulk, see Aaron, Spiderman, Mama and Papa run.
Hulk, see Wolfman run.
Hulk, see Superman run.
Hulk, see Aaron, Mama, Papa, Spiderman, Wolfman, and Superman run.
The End

(I love all the surprise guest stars at the end. Still startling even 32 years later!)

Thank you, Pop, for committing so many wanton acts of copyright violation for the education and entertainment of your child. To this day, I am still seeing things run.