Edit 11/20: Hey everybody! Prints available HERE. If, um… YOU DARE!


Welcome, foolish mortals, to a gallery of every single denizen of Disney’s HAUNTED MANSION!

The Bride, the Duelists, the Mummy, Pickwick, Caesar, Ezra, Gus, Phineas, Madame Leota, The Hatbox Ghost… all 999 HAPPY HAUNTS have received your sympathetic vibrations and are beginning to materialize in the form of THESE teensy-tiny drawings (Kindly drag your cursor over the images and click them to reveal the spirits within):

Ah, but your cadaverous pallor betrays an aura of foreboding, almost as though you sense a disquieting problem… Are there REALLY 999 ghosts here? Or have one or two gone missing, hmm? And consider this dismaying observation: The artist has NO brain and NO hands… Could the poor wretch really have drawn every last one?

Of course, you could always COUNT THEM.


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